Lyla Patyrak

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our State Fair is a Great State Fair...

Don't miss it! Don't even be late!
It's dollars to donuts that our State Fair is the best State Fair in our state!

Okay, so if you're not into musicals, you think I have gone crazy. That song is from the musical "State Fair." Though they are actually talking about a state fair in Des Moines, Iowa; I think it is really about the Great State Fair of Texas. I may be biased, but Dallas, Texas has the absolute BEST State Fair out there in all of it's fried goodness.

So, I've talked about the Fair a lot and Danny & I actually made a quick trip out there last week. Now, when you're 7 months pregnant, it's not so much fun to walk around for too long. I was on a mission. I wanted my annual cinnamon roll and I wanted to try the fried autumn pie. Check and check!

So, here is my trip to the State Fair of Texas in pictures...

Big Tex says a hearty, "HOWDY FOLKS!"

That is the unsuspecting entrance to the Coca-Cola Food Court...where you can find the BEST cinnamon rolls ever! This year you can also find the tallest stack of mattresses! You never know what you're going to see at the Fair.

I took this picture so you would know what to look for when searching out the famous cinnamon roll! It is right between Fried Green Tomatoes and I think Tornado Taters.

This one doesn't really need explaining, but it is THE cinnamon roll. I order the one with "the works." 10 tickets gets you the cinnamon roll with cream cheese icing and crushed pecans. So gooey and delicious. I definitely recommend using the knife and fork. You can wash it down with their delicious fresh-brewed iced tea. If you keep the cup they give you, you can go back for 2 ticket refills!

Next I was on the hunt for the Fried Autumn of the new creations of 2011. I had already looked it up so I knew where to go. It is just down from the pig races and dog show. They have fried s'mores at the same booth as well as some tasty frozen lemonade.

It may not look that great, but Danny & I both give our seal of approval on this treat! It was so delicious. If they weren't so proud of it, we might have had seconds!

Close to the main entrance, you will find some metal stands with a square of bricks in between them. There is a show that takes place there each year. The bricks have various names on them. Well, one of those names happens to be the name of my grandpa. I like to look for it every year, so this year Danny found it and I took a picture of it! He has been gone since I was just 6 years old, but I still picture him in his coveralls teaching me how to play pool. I love you PawPaw!

This is the last picture of our journey as we sat waiting for our DART train to take us home. Another successful trip to the State Fair of Texas even if it was a quick one. Perhaps next year, we could stroll around Lyla (weather permitting).

Another update about the weekend and my final baby shower is coming soon. I am just waiting for more pictures. When it is your shower, you can't be the one taking the pictures. Here is just a quick sneak preview...

My best friend Erin came in town. Her little girl Harper is due January 19 and we had a great time talking about all things baby!

More to come!

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