Lyla Patyrak

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's the final countdown!

Greetings all! I figured it was time for an update. I still don't have any pictures from my last shower aside from the sneak preview I gave you last time, so alas, that will not be included on this update.

We are now under 4 weeks away from sweet Lyla's due date. I'm really hoping she cooperates with my Thanksgiving plans. You see, for some time, Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday. It starts with the Macy's Parade and then just the family time and of course the food! This is the year that my sister & brother-in-law will be here with the kids so there is of course also the UT/A&M rivalry game (possibly one of the last ones since those silly Aggies decided to succeed from the Big 12).

Lyla's room is ready. I'm waiting on one more piece of artwork to arrive from a friend very soon, so that will get added, but otherwise, all is good to go. Here are some updated pictures of her very girly habitat!

#1 is the view right as you are at the entrance looking straight into the room. The piece of artwork I am waiting for will go between the two other pictures hanging on the wall.

#2 is Lyla's closet and notice the words up above! It's not the whole song, but you get the point!

#3 is of course the dresser/changing table. The diaper stacker is going to hang on the wall once I figure out how I want to do that. The hamper is on one side of the dresser and the diaper genie on the other...hope I don't get those mixed up in the middle of the night! HA!

Last, but not least, #4 is a view of the crib and the letters above. The fan cords also made it into the picture, but you can get the idea. The only other thing we might add is a small rug in the middle of the room to tie it all together.

So, her room is ready. We have the bassinet put together and set up in our bedroom. We have an adorable swing that will hopefully house many naps. We also have a great Baby Einstein entertainment contraption that she will have to wait a little while to use, but she will definitely love. Thanks to Uncle Mikey, we have the Bumbo seat a tray and a high chair that will be put together likely when it is closer for time for her to use that. So, it is safe to say that Lyla has taken over the house and she isn't even here yet.

Bevo is not sure how to respond to it all. Danny & I both installed car seat bases in our cars over the weekend and that takes up a large chunk of Bevo's back seat space. I think he'll enjoy loving on Lyla and we'll have to keep an eye on that all-powerful tail! He will definitely enjoy his mom being home during the day!

Here is a picture of Bevo resting on my ever-expanding belly!

So, before I bid you farewell, I thought I would give you an update picture of myself. I have to apologize that it is another picture taken by me in the mirror this morning before I left for work. ENJOY!
