Lyla Patyrak

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just Cruzin' Along!

Before you correct me on my spelling in the title, I did that on purpose. For those of you who don't know, I am a life-long Texas Rangers fan. I am not one of those people who only cheers on a team when they are winning. That makes it all the more enjoyable when the team you have loved your whole life could be headed to the World Series for the 2nd year in a row! So, this title goes out to Nelson Cruz for saving the day with his bottom of the 11th inning grand slam to help the Rangers win ALCS Game 2 7-3. That also means that we get 50% off of Papa John's for dinner tonight! Wahoo!

In the midst of all the baseball playoffs, of course we are still in full on baby mode. We are less than 8 weeks from Lyla's due date. Before updating you on all things Lyla, I did get to attend a baby shower for my sweet friend Meredith. She is due 2 weeks before me with a mystery baby (meaning we don't know whether it is a boy or girl).

I also need to let everyone know that I became an Aunt again on September 29. My beautiful sister-in-law Beth gave birth to 2 perfect twins. Ashlynn & Kinsey are so precious and I just can't wait to meet them. I know that Big Sister Avery loves them.

Ashlynn is on the bottom & Kinsey is up top!

Okay, now we are moving into the Patyrak updates!

First of all, I went to Abilene this past weekend to make an appearance at McMurry University's Homecoming. I am on the Alumni Board and had a couple of commitments, but mostly spent time shopping around Abilene with my mom. I have to tell you that I did a terrible job taking pictures. What that means is that I didn't take any pictures while I was there. What I can tell you is that it was SO SO windy! Due to the high winds and anticipated rain, there was no bonfire. McMurry used to be the Indians and so homecoming each year includes Tipi Village. Well also because of the weather, some tipis weren't able to be put up, some fell down and others were taken down to prevent further damage. The game that was supposed to start at 2 started about 5ish hours later due to rain and lightning. McMurry pulled off a win agains Sul Ross and has having a great year so far! I was in the choir while at McMurry (known as the Chanters). Well, the church that hosts the concert each year is undergoing renovations. For the first 15 minutes of the concert, there were roofers hammering. Their beat didn't really match with the song, but the director did a great job of adding humor amidst his frustration. So, it was a weird McMurry Homecoming, but I did so enjoy getting to visit with the folks that I saw there. I did pick up a little something for Lyla and her best friend Harper though...

McMurry has a new mascot...they are now the War Hawks, so it is time to build up the War Hawk gear. There was the most adorable pink War Hawks football jersey, but the sizes were all well above the baby size. Maybe later!

I suppose the final update is on Operation-Convert-the-Office-to-a-Nursery!

Here is where the office went (thanks to a Craigs List purchase)

We have a room that is right off the kitchen and the main living area that has pretty much been empty. It will likely now serve as a play room/hang out room/office area, so the hutch has been a great addition.

I am SO excited that Lyla's room is finally coming along in the furniture department. Danny did such a fantastic job with the pain and bead board and it was just ready for some furniture, so without further adieu...

My mom has been working on re-covering the cushions for this beauty and so I'll have some updated pictures soon!

Lyla's crib is adorable! Yes, I know the bumpers have to come out when she actually starts sleeping in it so that we don't risk suffocation, but I wanted to see what it looked like all put together. I also know that the mobile will have to go once she figures out how to grab it. I did get something out of that Prep for Childbirth Class!

Just a close-up of the mobile because it is cute!

The dresser I have been waiting for is finally here! I put it together (with a little help from Danny) on Sunday. That was quite a project. I attached the changing table to the top though I don't have any cute covers for that yet.

I bought some fabulous drawer organizers from Lowe's (their price beat out Sears and Target) to help organize all of those little tiny baby clothes!

Now, in the decoration department, I have been slow to pick things out because I don't want to go overboard. I did however pick up a couple of things while I was in Abilene. We went around to all of these little boutique stores and I did find one picture at a great place in Downtown Abilene called Under One Roof...

But, we had the most luck at Hobby Lobby. We picked out fabric for the glider cushions and valance. We also found some plain white wall letters that I then took colored sharpies and decorated to hang on the wall. I plan to hang those this week with some ribbon that my mom picked out.

I saw a plain white canvas with the lyrics to the first verse of "You Are My Sunshine" when I was in Downtown McKinney one day years ago and thought at that time it would be adorable in a baby room. However, it cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 which is totally insane! I have also tried pricing out custom wall decals with the lyrics and it is also pricey. I really want something with those words in Lyla's room. You see, when I was little, I watched the movie Beaches over and over and over again! I LOVE that movie! They sing that song altogether in the movie at one point and so that is what I find myself singing to sooth babies at work and want to do the same with Lyla. Anyone have any suggestions that won't break the bank???

I promise that soon there will be an update on the Great State Fair of Texas! I will even take a picture of the famous cinnamon roll that I keep talking about. Also, look for a recap of my final baby shower! My best friend Erin is coming in from Kentucky...if you remember from an earlier post, she is having a baby girl too. Harper Elizabeth Samson is due on January 19 (one day after my 30th birthday)!

This picture is a couple weeks old, but I intend to get an updated pic this weekend!

That's all I've got for today, but I'll leave you with a couple more pictures...

Bevo was NOT super excited about having to go outside when I left for work. The look on his face is saying, "Please mommy, don't go. But if you have to, please let me stay right here on this chair. I promise I will stay right here and won't destroy anything." Well, mommy knows better and besides the weather is much more enjoyable outside, so that's where he went. He'll be okay.

And last, but not least...I took a picture of myself before I walked out the door for work, so yet another picture through the mirror.

30 weeks and 3 days! Less than 8 weeks until Lyla's due date! We can't wait to meet her!

Blessings to all!


  1. Just a note, I have left the crib bumpers in as have several of my friends. Naomi moves around a lot when she sleeps, so if those weren't there, she'd be awake a lot after bumping into the crib rails. I may have to take them out once she starts using them to pull up and climb on, but for now they're serving a purpose. Yes there is a reason they tell you all that stuff, but you'll quickly discover that sometimes your baby needs you to "break the rules". My mobile is also still up.

    Love the way you've organized the drawer. I may have to steal that! :)

    See you Saturday!

  2. I used bumpers with both of my kids because they weren't even in their cribs until they were a couple of months old. Before then, they were in a bassinet. I can understand why having a tiny baby in a bed with bumpers might be a little dangerous, but I hope you're planning on putting it back in the bed as soon as she starts rolling. Then, she'll be able to move if she gets her face in the bumper and the bumper will prevent many bruises! We never had any problems with our kids pulling up on the bumper or getting tangled or anything. But of course, I had kids (7 and 3 years ago) before any of these rules were in place.
    Her bedding is so cute! Can't wait to see how cute she'll be!

  3. Thanks for the advice friends! I had just heard that I wasn't supposed to keep the bumpers in which made me sad because it is pretty much the cutest part of the bedding. Glad to know I can break some of the "rules".
