Lyla Patyrak

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I was like baby, baby, baby OH!

Okay all! I was just channeling the Biebs! Hope you don't have that song in your head for the rest of the day. Well, to keep you up to date, I am at 24 weeks 4 days. The time really is just flying by. Lyla is still growing every day.

Danny & I went to San Angelo last weekend for the first of 2 baby showers. It was great to get to spend some time with his parents and celebrate the anticipated arrival of Lyla. We got some great stuff...or I suppose I should say SHE got some great stuff! We enjoyed visiting with everyone. I don't have the pictures yet, but will post again when they arrive.

What I do have pictures of is the new sonogram we had on Saturday. We got some 3D/4D photos of Lyla! I do have to say that she was being quite bashful and covering her hands with her face most of the time, but we got some good pictures.

This is Lyla's sweet face! Can you tell where the eyes, nose and mouth are???

These aren't 3D, but you can see measurements of the head...what a smart little lady she is going to be!!!

And of course I had to include her heart with heartbeat reading!

We did this earlier than you would normally do these types of sonograms, but I still think she is a cutie!

Just for grins too, I thought I would include a couple of photos of Lyla's room before it's baby girl transformation. The after shots will have to come obviously after it is done.

For any of you familiar with church calendars (as it pertains to children's ministry), this Sunday is Promotion Sunday. That means that all of our kiddos graduate into new classrooms. So, I'll have to cut this post short, but do know that Lyla and her parents are doing well!


  1. 145 little bitty Lyla beats/minute - fantastic!Uncle Mikey gives a check + on the ultrasound measurements! Shes just keeping us all in suspense to get a good look of her beautiful face!

  2. Sooooo sweet! I can't wait to meet you Miss Lyla!!!
